Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sukhothai - Si Satchanalai - Wat Chang Lom

I don't know what it is about adding elephants to a temple, but it always seems to make it more enjoyable. 'Chang' means elephant in Thai, and more than one of the temples we've visited during our time here has that word in the name of the temple. From what it looks like, the hardest parts of a gigantic stone or concrete elephant to build and keep intact are the trunks and tusks. Angkor Thom had a few pretty intact, but they built the trunks more or less as columns.


Judith said...

Day after day of reading your wonderful blog, I keep asking he REALLY there working or just on an extended vacation?! When do you work??


Chris said...

Work? What's that? :)

Actually I think it's just that I take a ton of pictures and post them bit by bit - our entire time in Chiang Mai, Sukhothai and Kanchanaburi was about a week, but you get to see it over a much longer period!

It's a really interesting part of the world, too, so I keep seeing noticing interesting things. Every time I walk out the door I see something new. I've lived a lot in a very short time!