Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vietnam - French Food

More French food in Ho Chi Minh City - this time breakfast, and nibbly things.

See if you can pick out the Paris style omelet, the eggs benedict in sauce and pastry, and Saigon style eggs benedict.


Christopher Q Brady said...
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Christopher Q Brady said...

Wow! Those look absolutely fantastic! Some dishes that are probably sublime to taste, but also show some real art in the presentation.

A couple years ago I had such a beautiful awakening when I went to a restaurant in Philadelphia that was officially billed as French-Vietnamese. While I knew about the French presence in Vietnam before the US got involved, it never occurred to me until that dinner the possibilities that could be unleashed from the impact those cuisines could have on each other. Two cuisines that are world class in their own right could only have a handsome son, right?

And it was fantastic. Yet I'm sure it only paled in comparison to the things you're getting exposed to right now. Please continue to enjoy all that food on behalf of all of us following this adventure, and continue to show those great pictures. While it inspires envy, it's a good envy.

Chris said...

I agree - the marriage of Vietnamese and French food is a great thing. Both cuisines have a way of putting a lot of taste and flavor in a tidy package, and of balancing the different aspects of the foods with each other. A little salty, a little sweet, a little sour, etc.