Wednesday, July 29, 2009

At the movies again

1000 baht is about $30 USD. It's a pricey movie, but when you pay half that in the States, you don't get a dry bed. Imagine how much fun you could have in a dry bed with some corn cheese.


Matthew Bey said...

how many people can you get on the "dry bed" and what was playing?

Chris said...

It's a 'day bed' (though I'm sure it's dry too) and it sits (sleeps?) 4 people.

We get all the movies here - since coming here we've seen (at the theater) 'tom cruise can't be bothered to speak with a german accent even though he's a nazi officer', 'johnny depp doesn't look good with a mustache', and 'every time i see pike i think of that rolling spa chair with the light that went on as his only means to communicate'.

Matthew Bey said...

yeah, in the 23rd century you would think their handicap accessibility devices would be better than a blinky light. hell, even hawkings has a better setup than that.

Chris said...

especially since the light was supposed to be controlled by his brain waves. i guess the brain waves to do with speaking in longer sentences than 'light on' don't work with the device.