Saturday, July 4, 2009

Singapore is a very clean place

If I had to choose three things to sum up Singapore, I'd probably choose a food vendor, a shopping mall, and this sign.  Singapore is one of the most spotlessly clean towns I've ever been in, and the idea of having a sign in a public restroom instructing one on how to scrub up in preparation for venturing out (or to perform open heart surgery) entirely fits with the rest of the town.  

While I was visiting Singapore in early May, folks there were concerned about swine flu, so the building I was working in was taking everyone's temperature and doing thermal scans of each person to walk in the door.

Singapore is a very interesting town to visit.  It feels more Western than most Western cities I've visited.  It is efficient, rational, and clean.  Its citizens are focused on progress, in both a personal and national sense.  It mixes different cultures and cuisines in remarkable harmony.

I'm glad I live in Bangkok, in part because of how organic, unplanned and chaotic it can be, but I'm glad I get to travel to such an orderly place as Singapore for business - the contrast is very enjoyable.

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