As I've mentioned before, the camera on my cell phone has no flash. This makes pictures come out especially poorly when the light is low, and makes it not as useful at nighttime. These couple shots, though - one of a huge statue of a pigeon, and one of a huge snail on the sidewalk - look particularly ominous because of the lack of detail, even though they're both quite harmless. So I thought I'd share.
It's said the human brain is wired to have special functions at night to help caveman quickly determine whether that noise that woke him up was the wind or approaching danger. It also has an innate ability to zero in on the shapes of living things. My mind tracks the snail as living but not dangerous, but has mixed feelings about the first picture - it's large and looks to have some sort of eye, so even though I know that statue isn't alive, my mind says - hey, maybe it's getting about time to head back to the cave?