Have you ever checked into a hotel, and asked to be in room 23, and everyone at the hotel immediately looks at each other with a knowing look in their eye, and then an old guy behind the counter who you didn't notice before says in a gravelly voice "room 23 - why, that's the room that nice family was killed last year... by an axe murderer!"? No, I haven't had that experience either. But I would imagine if I had it would feel a lot like going to the Dead Fish bar and grill in Siem Reap.
Now, to be fair, the strange feeling was probably partly because we were the only people in the place (it was huge). And it only half looked like it was open, despite the large amount of wait staff. Maybe it gets busy later on in the evening? Maybe tour buses come back from the temples and the place is hopping? Who knows. All I know is the servers there were all acting like there was a big dark secret they didn't want us to know - like, if we stayed much longer, we were all... DOOMED!
So we stayed for a drink (Sam had a great cocktail called an Angkor Sunrise - very well mixed and highly worthwhile if you ever find yourself there, I had an Angkor draft beer that was fresh and tasty), and then skeedaddled. No sense in getting killed by an axe wielding maniac on our first visit to Siem Reap.
Oh, and it had a crocodile pit in the restaurant. Sweet.
you would think that if they're honest enough to say that their name is just for marketing, they would be also honest enough to admit that their crocodile pit was for disposing of the bodies of their victims.
Or maybe the dead fish are just the fish they throw to the crocs?
that would be oddly... disappointing.
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